Tenant One: 1-1 Personalized Support
This tenant cultivates a safe space between client and mentor. The cultivation of this space begins the building of a pathway towards in-depth dialogue, self-reflection, and tangible resolutions. This tenant leans towards the cognitive approach in mentoring which allows the client and mentor to explore the connections between thoughts and actions. To assist with the client feeling safe to share intimate and often deep-rooted perceptions of life, this tenant allows the mentee to embrace vulnerability while establishing trust with the mentor during each session. With our continuous cycles of 1-1, the results create long-lasting positive changes in the life of the mentee.
Tenant Two: Immediate Action Response “I.A.R.”
This tenant is safely placed at the core of “The Brave Effect” to establish an immediate safety net for those working through the cycles of reentry. By properly addressing the environment one is placed in once exiting incarceration, I.A.R. is interconnected carefully with each tenant to provide an immediate around the clock response to those battling internally with decision making that is impactful to the environment in which it operates. With environments that actively deter the client from becoming a productive member of society, it is imperative to create safety barriers in which the client can address the conflict while making the appropriate decision.
Tenant Three: Positioning Partnering
Within this tenant, our clients are paired with a licensed therapist who initiates a deeper dive of emotional and mental concerns of our client. Our licensed therapist is able to provide an analysis the client at micro, mezzo, and macro levels. This includes an examination of individuals, families or small groups, and organizations, agencies, communities of the client. With the heighten issues around those incarcerated reentering into society paired with systemic barriers of those of color reentering into society. Positioning Partnering assists with supporting clients who needs ongoing support with societal issues once being released and refraining from reentering into the continuous cycle of the prison system.
Tenant Four: Community Cultivation
This tenant removes the client from their usual environment of home, work, and personal entertainment and places individuals into a variation of community events paired with community meetings. This tenant is linked and serves as a base of all tenants of The BraveEffect. Community Cultivation demonstrates the importance of self-care while supporting the importance of building social connections with the community.